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发布日期:2015-09-29 浏览次数: 1676

阿布扎比法拉利世界(Ferrari World Abu Dhabi)位于阿联酋阿布扎比大陆东北侧的亚斯岛(Yas Island),建立于2010年,拥有适合家庭每一个成员的一系列惊险刺激的景点和项目,是世界上第一个法拉利主题公园,也是世界上最大的室内主题公园。亚斯岛身为阿联酋最大的休闲中心,拥有众多的旅游景点和住宿地点,岛上的亚斯码头赛道还经常举办F1方程式赛车大奖赛。




Ferrari World Abu Dhabi


Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is the world’s first Ferrari-themed park and the world’s largest indoor theme park. It is located on Yas Island on the northeastern side of Abu Dhabi’s mainland. Yas Island is one of the UAE’s greatest leisure hubs with a wide range of accommodation and spots. The island also holds the Yas Marina Circuit which hosts the Formula One Grand Prix.



Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Offering a world of celebration, inspiration, and innovation, the park was built in 2010 around the legendary Ferrari story. A variety of attractions, thrills, and journeys make the park fit for every member of the family. And a range of dining experiences offer you the best in Italian cuisine while our shops leave you spoiled for choice. Visitors can select amongst a Bronze, Silver, or a Gold entry ticket as they discover all the park has to offer.

