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发布日期:2015-09-26 浏览次数: 1861

    融合了水的浸泡洗礼、游戏及模拟技术于一体的《深海探秘》(Extrem Abyssal)是一项专为水上乐园打造的游乐设施,这是一种结合了逼真模拟探险和水游戏为一体的有趣体验。



    《深海探秘》模拟了一次在深渊中的探险旅程,并结合了水上攻击游戏的惊喜元素,力求让游客们玩水也能玩出新乐趣。基于气动仿真技术(pneumatic simulation technology),此设施的船舱内将可搭载20人,在只有400毫米的有限空间里,模拟从5,000米的深渊里下坠的逼真体验。此外,水还将漫入舱内的每一个角落,十分刺激有趣。这些运动和特技的使用都增强了游客的下坠体验,让人身临其境地置身于一个令人惊奇的冒险旅程中,极其适合一家人一起玩耍。



Extrem Abyssal


    A combination of immersion, water play and simulation, the Extrem Abyssal is the only attraction for WaterPark that touches your senses in a very humid environment!



    Mixing the intensity of an extraordinary immersive adventure with the fun of water games: the Abyssal Descender is an adventure that your visitors will remember! For the first time in the entertainment industry, an attraction that simulates an expedition into the abyss, creates the surprise of an aquatic attack and increases the fun with the water effects. The attraction is a lift that simulates a journey into the depths of the abyss, but visitors will meet some surprises along their way.



    There will be technical problems in the cabin —— the water will enter through every corner !!!

Based on pneumatic simulation technology, the Extrem Abyssal will transport 20 people in the cabin. With only 400mm, we will simulate a descent of over 5000 meters deep. The image motion and special effects enhance the feeling of descent, to live an incredible adventure!



