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发布日期:2017-05-17 浏览次数: 1562

身为捕捉、创造和分享个性化记忆的全球领导者,Magic Memories宣布,近日在英国伦敦最大的海洋生物水族馆(Sea Life London Aquarium)开设新的互动式设备——魔幻镜子(Magic Mirror)。 据了解,设备能让游客更加深入地沉浸在自己创造的水下体验中,还能为他们及时地在水族馆内最新的展览——“海洋侵略者:水母世界”中创造独特回忆。互动时,游客需要进入潜艇设计的隧道内,与隐藏在玻璃镜子后面的最新一代图像捕获技术进行互动。据悉, 这个巨大的玻璃可以作为一个互动屏幕,独特的定制动画将直接引导游客做出不同姿势,使其提前感受并沉浸在奇妙的水下世界之中。1.jpg2.jpg

Sea Life London Installs Magic Mirror

Magic Memories, a global leader in capturing, creating and sharing of personalised memories, has announced the opening of the new Magic Mirror at Sea Life London Aquarium. The Magic Mirror allows guests to deeply immerse themselves into their underwater experience. The technology enables visitors to create memories just in time for the newest exhibit, Ocean Invaders: Enter the World of the Jellyfish.

At Sea Life London Aquarium, the UK’s biggest aquarium, guests enter a submarine where this next-generation image capture utilises the latest technology hidden behind the mirror’s glass. This glass doubles as an interactive screen whose custom animations direct guests to make different poses.

