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​英国Markerstudy Leisure公司拟在肯特郡推出新游戏中心

发布日期:2017-03-13 浏览次数: 1705

日前,英国Markerstudy Leisure公司宣布,将于今年在英国肯特郡坦布里奇韦尔斯市建立一个新的室内卡丁车及激光游戏中心。据了解,游戏中心将建在该地区印刷厂旧址附近,配备电玩中心,咖啡厅,8车道的室内卡丁车场所,以及一个可以同时容纳30人进行激光游戏的场地。


Markerstudy Leisure公司发言人表示,“中心建成将为公众提供多达30个就业岗位,但我们会将中心里,包括员工在内的日均人流量控制在100人以内。此外,与我们相似的游戏中心都在距离较远的梅德斯通和克劳利市,因此我们认为这个全新游戏中心的开放将造福整个坦布里奇韦尔斯市及其周边地区。目前项目已提交政府进行审批,若一切准备就绪,中心最快将于今年夏天便可与公众见面。”


Markerstudy eyes new Kent attraction

Markerstudy Leisure plans to a new indoor go-karting and laser games centre in Tunbridge Wells later this year. The plan is to build the venue on the site of a former printworks. It will feature a games centre, cafe, with a track which can feature eight electric go-karts on track at the same time, while 30 people could play laser games simultaneously.

A spokesman for Markerstudy said up to 30 jobs would be created for the venue, which he said will hold just under 100 people at any one time, including staff and spectators. “The nearest similar attractions are in Maidstone and Crawley, so we believe this new centre would be of real benefit to the whole Tunbridge Wells borough. If planning permission is granted, we anticipate the centre being open by summer this year,” he said.


