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发布日期:2016-09-14 浏览次数: 2158

《蹦极飞椅》(Ejection Seat)是一款安装便捷、拆卸简单、占地小巧,但却能给人带来无限惊险的刺激游乐设备。从整体来看,设备由两座钢制发射塔,以及一根连接其中的蹦极绳组合而成,在绳子中部则是一个笼子状、可同时容纳2人腾空而起的圆形钢制车舱,远远看去宛如一架巨大的反向蹦极弹射装置,十分引人注目。游玩时,乘客进入车舱,随后机台被启动,蹦极绳索收缩后急剧弹出,使车舱在巨大的惯性作用下以每小时60英里(约96公里)的速度被抛至最高达200英尺(约61米)的高空之中;乘客们则双脚悬空地乘坐在车舱之内,一边享受着由弹射绳索带来的重力加速度达4.8G、高度达42米的上下弹射运动,一边感受着车舱自身环绕旋转所带来的眩晕体验。赶快约上几个爱好挑战的好友,一同感受这刺破天际的惊险刺激之旅吧!




Ejection Seat

The secret of its success is due to the fact that it’s easy to set up and down, it doesn’t cost much and doesn’t take too much room when installed but gives a very thrilling sensation to riders that’s what most people look for. The ride is a reverse-bungee catapult ride, it consists of two steel towers with a bungee cord connected to each tower. The other ends of the cords are attached to a caged steel vehicle in which 2 riders are seated. When the vehicle is released from the loading station, the bungee cords engage, sending riders on a high-speed vertical launch 200 feet into midair at speeds of 60 mph. The passenger unit is held to the base of the ride by means of a strong magnet which keeps the elastic ropes stretched. After the command given by the operator from the control panel, the magnet will release the vehicle launching it to a height of 42 m. with an acceleration of 4.8 G. During the launch the vehicle carries out a free looping around its axis making the passengers scream with fear but with a great satisfaction for their new experience.


