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发布日期:2016-09-14 浏览次数: 1830

《露营车》(Creative Camper Van)是一款适合小朋友乘坐的益智儿童投币摇摇车。从外观上看,《露营车》以面包车为造型设计,融入卡通形象元素,广受小朋友喜爱,鲜艳的红色车身与白色的颜色搭配更是引人注目。车窗上飘扬着的音符如同小朋友快乐的心情一样飞出窗外,感染周围。车身内设有22寸显示屏,画质清晰,容易带动小朋友进入游戏中,享受游戏的乐趣。《露营车》共有8种游戏可供选择,包括数数、拼写、配色、画画、打拍子、音乐、拼图、和侦探游戏,丰富多样,令人眼花缭乱。《露营车》设备开始,小朋友们伴随着音乐和前后摇摆的动感,一起玩游戏,享受与小伙伴们一起嬉戏玩耍的时光。当时间结束后,玩家可以继续投币,继续投入未完成的游戏里。每一台《露营车》可供3个小朋友同时游戏,快拉上小伙伴一起乘搭上《露营车》吧!



Creative Camper Van

The Creative Camper Van is a bright colorful van covered with splashes of paint, built in durable self-colored fiberglass with an attractive gel coat finish. The Creative Camper Van has a rocking motion with an on-board interactive touch screen featuring a choice of 8 games: counting, spelling, coloring, drawing, snap, a musical game, jigsaw puzzle and a detective game. This kiddy ride incorporates a 22” touch screen monitor with a selection of educational games that can be chosen when the ride starts. Extended game time can be chosen at the end of the ride to enable the child to carry on playing. This fun ride can seat 3 children at a time allowing friends to play together within the bright and colorful camper van.


