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发布日期:2016-09-03 浏览次数: 1983

《丛林吉普车》(Jungle Jive Jeep)是一款专门为4-11岁小朋友设计的摇摆乐设备。《丛林吉普车》仿吉普车设计,仪表板、车灯、方向盘、后备胎等一应俱全,让小朋友体验在丛林中驾车的乐趣。整车以丛林风格为主题,以亮眼的黄色为主调,车窗玻璃上印上活泼可爱的小猴子在丛林中嬉戏玩耍的场景,趣味性十足。新的可以让小朋友体验丛林之旅。车内的仪表板上还设有立体声效果的按钮,27寸TFT显示屏,画面精致清晰,为玩家带来一场丰富的视觉盛宴。设备启动后,游戏画面将会呈现热带雨林雨林里的情景,各种植物、小动物将一一还原,不经意地出现在你的眼前,由此展开了一系列丛林探险活动。随着吉普车的摆动,《丛林吉普车》为小朋友带来不一样的丛林体验。


Jungle Jive Jeep

The Jungle Jive is made from durable self-colored fiberglass with an attractive gel coat finished. The new Jungle Jive simulator enables customers to view a jungle themed on-board video. Once activated the motion follows the on screen graphics creating a thrilling experience that the child will want to repeat again and again. The Jungle Jive Jeep is aimed at the 4-11 age range. Children can enjoy the simulation experience provided by a gentle rocking motion as well as an on board video screen which displays exciting footage of a jungle jeep adventure throughout a tropical rain forest and Aztec city. The kiddie ride is fitted with stereo sound and a 27’’ onboard TFT monitor. Thanks to the radical new design the Jungle Jive will enhance all retail environments and provide great entertainment for its customers.

