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发布日期:2016-09-02 浏览次数: 1865

《怪兽岛海盗》(Pirates of Monster Island)是一款有趣的动作街机游戏。《怪兽岛海盗》机台以海盗船为主题,机台中央则是一把用于击落海盗船上的物体的枪,而机台顶端的logo装饰板则以海盗船中的船舵为造型设计,十分吸引人的眼球。42寸LCD大屏幕,画面精致清晰,使玩家感受到如同置身于游戏情景中的刺激感。

游戏玩法十分简单。游戏开始时,屏幕会出现海盗船的游戏情景,海盗船上的每个地方都有不同的目标如字母、炸弹、木箱等等,玩家需要用机台上的枪瞄准船上的目标,一击即中即可获得彩票奖励。如果玩家把船上的字母击中且凑齐“The Compass”中的字母,机台将会亮起炫丽的灯光,出色的跑马灯效果让玩家享受丰富的视觉盛宴。如果不小心打到炸弹,船上将会发生爆炸,顷刻一片火光冲天。但如果玩家击落一定数量的板条箱,玩家将进入藏有巨大宝藏的龙穴,让玩家拿奖拿到手软!



Pirates of Monster Island

Pirates of Monster Island is a fun action packed arcade video ticket redemption game that challenges players to take aim and fire at various targets to win tickets. Players must knock crates off the pirate ships to win tickets. They can also shoot at the letters to complete the word “compass” which will get them a spin of the giant bonus compass which forms the games impressive marquee. But knock off enough crates and players will get a chance in the Dragon Den where massive amounts of tickets are to be won! 42’’LCD screen, pirate ship themed cabinet and giant compass bonus marquee.

