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发布日期:2016-08-25 浏览次数: 2110

《咕咕钟小人国》是一部韩国动画公司制作的适合学龄前儿童观看的CGI动画。讲述的是小人国里的汤米和塔露拉是一对双胞胎姐弟,他们是负责报时的好伙伴,每天都要准时执行报时工作,通过汤米和塔露拉的冒险之旅,学会了团队合作,社会责任感以及用有趣的方式解决问题。动画一经播出,便受到学龄前儿童和家长的喜爱。《开心小姐弟》(Tickety Toc)就是获得《咕咕钟小人国》授权而研发的游戏设备。《开心小姐弟》车身以卡通片中的每次把汤米和塔露拉及时送回咕咕钟里报时的“旺福”小狗火车为造型,“旺福”头戴列车长帽子,大大的眼睛好奇张望着周围环境,吐出粉嫩的舌头,憨态十足。车座后面设置一人座,十分宽敞,舒服。车子里面还坐着汤米和塔露拉两姐弟,等待着小朋友一起来开启分秒必争的冒险之旅。乘搭《开心小姐弟》,与汤米和塔露拉一起通往充满欢乐的地方。



Tickety Toc

Tickety Toc is an animated CGI series for pre-school children. Through Tommy and Tallulah’s adventures, Tickety Toc explores concepts of teamwork, social responsibility and problem solving in a fun and engaging way. This colourful kiddie ride enables children to sit comfortably and safely next to Tommy and Tallulah as the ride rocks gently back and forth. The ride features the Tickety Tock theme tune and sound effect buttons to give an added element of excitement. This one seater, coin operated children’s ride will be a high earning addition to any retail environment and help to increase sales of associated merchandise within the store.

