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发布日期:2016-05-30 浏览次数: 2005

《鲨鱼飞船》(Looping Starship)凭借其抢眼的外观、强大的飞行体验而广受游客喜爱。设备运行时,船体会在一阵平稳、缓慢的来回摆动中渐渐攀上顶端,之后突然静止,然后在乘客的屏息中船体倒置,随机进行前后的翻滚摆动,给乘客们留下独特的难忘体验。50-1.jpg50-3.jpg


Looping Starship

The Looping Starship is a powerful, white-knuckle experience which captures the attention of passengers and spectators alike. The ride begins with a smooth, powerful rocking motion that increases in speed as the ship climbs higher in the arc it is traveling. As it reaches the top of the arc, it comes to a virtual stop, upside-down, with nothing between the heads of its riders and the ground, hanging there not knowing whether the ship will go forwards and complete the first of two loops, or backwards, to try from the other side. When the ship completes the loop, riders will experience a brief sensation of being able to fly.50-2.jpg

