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发布日期:2015-11-24 浏览次数: 1955

《怒火金刚》(King Kong)以著名电影《金刚》为主题,拥有独特的外观和炫酷的特效,移动缓慢但却充满乐趣,是一款极其适合全家人一起乘坐的游乐设备。






King Kong


King Kong is one of the most famous and successful attractions with child-friendly movements, a fantastic exterior appearance and superb special effects. It ensures a soft thrill, fun-filled experience for the whole family. The ride concept follows the well-known King Kong movie story and features a gondola designed to carry up to 24 passengers. The entire structure reaches a maximum height of 12.7m.



Passengers enter the rider carrier at ground level before King Kong starts to stand up, at the same time lifting the gondola. When fully upright the gorilla starts to shake the gondola which leads to gentle swinging movements and an inclined position of the rider carriage. After a while the gondola becomes positioned directly in front of the head of King Kong and an array of special effects begin, with sound, mist, shining eyes and seat vibrators.

