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发布日期:2015-10-26 浏览次数: 1831

    澳门银河(Galaxy Macau)作为银河娱乐集团(Galaxy Entertainment)旗下的度假城品牌,是世界上首屈一指的综合度假胜地,拥有一个覆盖满白色细沙的沙滩、超过52,000平方米的葱翠绿洲和一个占地达4,000平方米的全球最大的空中冲浪池(Skytop Wave Pool)。不久前,澳门银河更是推出了一个全新的水上游乐区,旨在吸引以家庭为单位的游客到访。



    当游客漂浮在水面上,悠闲地通过由美国专业水上技术团队打造的小河流时,会有一系列的水上游乐设备朝游客喷射水花,十分欢乐有趣。而位于河流旁边的漩涡激流(Vortex Splashpad)则提供多种游乐设备供人玩耍,如彩虹拱门、喷泉、喷炮、地面喷洒器和旋转水车,实在是年轻人的玩乐胜地。



Aquatic play in Macau


    Galaxy Macau, the world-class integrated resort in Macau owned by Galaxy Entertainment, has launched a new aquatic play area designed to appeal to the whole family. Facilities include lush oasis gardens covering 52,000sq.m; and the world's largest Skytop Wave Pool covering 4,000sq.m and featuring a white sand beach.



    US-based Water Technology created a lazy river along with a host of waterplay products that spray visitors as they float by. Next to the river, a Vortex Splashpad is the perfect place to play for the hotel's youngest users. Showcasing water features such as rainbow arches, architectural fountains, spray cannons, ground sprays and a spinning water wheel, the Splashpad provides entertainment for all users.

