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发布日期:2017-02-04 浏览次数: 1638

外星人Codey结束在地球历险旅程后正要重返星球,然而发射器因燃油不足而无法飞行,现正寻找朋友们的帮助以获得更多燃油,踏上回家之路!《航天密码》(Launch Code)是一款适合不同年龄玩家的100%技能单人有奖游戏。以外星人和科幻为主题,《航天密码》中以身穿航空服的卡通外星人Codey为主角,设有65英寸互动透明的LCD显示屏和高清画面让玩家身临其境,如同走进航空室内,与Codey共同努力,获得更多的燃油!此外,为让游戏更加特别和有趣,《航天密码》配置一键游戏、“超级奖励”关卡、炫目的LED灯光、逼真的音效,以及欢快的游戏音乐,为游戏增色不少,让玩家欲罢不能。值得一提的是,游戏采用快速加载技术,在游戏画面加载上真正实现零等待!






Launch Code


Launch Code is a single game progressive Super Bonus promotes repeat play with an alien/sci-fi theme. Called Launch Code, you try and drop balls into the targets below. It also uses a transparent LCD in front of the mechanical devices that the users plays the game with. On-screen animations, vibrant LED lights and upbeat sounds and music keep the game interesting and make it stand out in the ticket redemption universe. 100 percent skill pla” as they attempt at buckets of tickets.  A giant 65”monitor and the game’s HD graphics enhance the mechanical aspects of the game, while a wide range of operator adjustments, featuring fast-loading technology to create “zero wait times between games.”


The player’s mission is to drop 4 balls, released from a single button player control, and hit the fuel targets below. The more targets you hit, the higher Codey launches toward his home planet and a greater number of tickets are awarded.

