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发布日期:2017-01-24 浏览次数: 2173

上月,知名激光游戏设备制造商Alterface宣布,其为迪拜室内乐园Hub Zero打造的一款全新激光游戏——《战争机器:激光围城》(Gears of War: Laser Siege)已正式面向大众进行开放。


据了解,Hub Zero是一个“现实与虚拟世界相融合”的室内娱乐中心,秉持着“重现经典激光游戏”的理念而引进《战争机器:激光围城》。此外,《战争机器》游戏IP也广受人们欢迎,选择其作为乐园设备的主题便对众人具有十足吸引力,也符合乐园“于游戏中生活”的宣传用语。该游戏为互动式情景穿越游戏与传统激光游戏的完美融合:玩家们身穿夹克,手持激光手枪,行走在昏暗的游戏区域之中,并通过射击对手获得得分。不仅如此,当玩家行走在双层式黑暗房间时,还将遭遇突然弹出、隐藏、射击的虚拟敌人,十分考验玩家敏锐力及反应力。



Alterface Creates Next Generation Laser Tag for Dubai’s Hub Zero

Alterface introduced its next generation laser tag, Gears of War: Laser Siege, opened last month in Hub Zero, an indoor entertainment park located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Hub Zero, an entertainment park where “the real and virtual world merge”, came to Alterface with a seemingly simple request: to reinvent the classic laser tag. The broadly acclaimed Gears of War video game IP, chosen as a theme for the attraction, was to be the theme of this immersive attraction: an important criterium to live up to Hub Zero’s tagline “Live the Game”. High expectations from the fans and community would be expected.

The outcome is the blending of an interactive walkthrough with the classic laser tag: wearing a jacket and armed with a laser gun, players walk in a dimly lit zone trying to score points by shooting at the opponent team. While they wander in the two-level dark room, players come across virtual enemies who pop up, hide, and shoot. Sharp eyes and quick reflexes are the key skills to succeed.

