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发布日期:2016-12-21 浏览次数: 2201

日前,拥有国际知名酒店度假村品牌——亚特兰蒂斯(Atlantis Resort)的科兹纳集团(Kerzner International Holdings)宣布,将与中国泛海集团(China Oceanwide)于夏威夷瓦胡岛(island of Oahu)联手打造一个全新的休闲娱乐项目。1.jpg

据悉,项目将以夏威夷为主题,坐落于美丽的胡纳(Honu)及科哈拉(Kohola)环礁湖之上,配备有超过26英亩(约11万平方米)的娱乐设施占地,除了拥有各种革命性的水上景点设施及各类休闲娱乐项目,还将打造“水上冒险乐园”、“失落空间水族馆”、“大使环礁湖”等经典水上项目,致力于为人们提供“精彩绝伦的生活体验”。科兹纳集团总裁兼首席执行官Jean-Gabriel Pérès先生表示,该项目将立足并融合夏威夷当地的历史文化特点而惊艳世人。2.jpg


New Atlantis Resort planned for Hawaii

Kerzner International Holdings, operator of the Atlantis resort brand, has unveiled plans to develop a new mixed-use leisure destination on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.

In partnership with China Oceanwide, Kerzner said the 26-acre development will offer a “sophisticated lifestyle experience” with lush green spaces, various water attractions and Hawaiian theming.

Overlooking the stunning Honu and Kohola lagoons, the Atlantis resort will feature revolutionary waterplay in Aquaventure Waterpark, The Ambassador Lagoon and The Lost Chambers Aquarium. “Atlantis will astonish and amaze, as well as celebrate the history and culture of Hawaii,” said Jean-Gabriel Pérès, president and chief executive officer of Kerzner International.

