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发布日期:2016-04-11 浏览次数: 1987

令人天旋地转的运动路线,加上华丽刺激的视觉冲击,构成了《航空战机》(Air Race 8.4)这一令人印象深刻的飞行体验。设备拥有6支支臂,最高可容纳32人,在每分钟6转的主轴旋转带动下进行一系列倾斜、翻转、俯冲、失重等特技飞行,视觉效果华丽而震撼。


Air Race 8.4

Thrilling motion and spectacular visual effects are guaranteed to set pulses racing. Delivering a hugely exciting ride experience combined with an impressive visual impact, Air Race takes riders on an amazing journey which replicates the experiences and sensations of an acrobatic aeroplane flight, with banks, loops, dives and weightlessness that will test even the most experienced thrill seekers. Accommodating up to 32 riders at one time in six, four-seater aeroplanes, the new thriller combines an 6 rpm central ride rotation motion with a motor driven arm rotation that allows for the various movements experienced by riders. 

