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发布日期:2017-06-27 浏览次数: 2257
Bay TekBike Rally奖品游戏机

海湾科技游戏公司(Bay Tek games inc)推出的奖品游戏机——《自行车拉力赛》(Bike Rally Prize Arcade Game),是一款适合大人和孩子一起参与的游戏机。此部机台高约两米,台面有两个按钮和一个操作手柄,同时还设置有大转轮,里面分别设有不同的里程数,而游戏分为三关,每一关都有相对于的里程数要求和对应的奖品。











Bike Rally Prize Arcade Game


Want to take a road trip? How about going to a bike rally? Strap the helmet, jump on, and rev that motor! Bay Tek's ever popular Road Trip is now available with a motorcycle theme, Bike Rally.


 Bike Rally takes players to three rally hot spots, Laconia, New Hampshire, Milwaukee Wisconsin, & Sturgis, South Dakota. Players are offered prizes at each of the three levels for spinning enough miles!


 Having the same features and benefits of Road Trip, Bike Rally has the same play value, so step up and spin the wheel by simply pulling the handle up and giving it a big push down. When the wheel stops, players are awarded with the mileage shown on the wheel.


 Scoring enough miles at Level 1 gives the players a choice to select a Small Prize or play on to Level 2 for the chance to win a Medium Prize. Win Level 2 and choose again, take the Medium Prize or play on to Level 3 where a player can win a desired Large Prize.


Bike Rally Prize Arcade Game Dimensions:

35" W x 32" D x 78.5"H 

Weight: 525 LBS.


